Friday, May 23, 2008

OMNET++ with VISUAL C++ 2005

Here are simple steps:

  • download visual c++ express from microsoft webpage, the installation must be done online.
  • but this one will only work for the omnet samples simulation (example: tictoc.exe) or .exe files that are already created. if YOU want to create new omnet simulation YOU need to have the original or full version of visual c++ 2005. since the express version does not contain program to run 'nmake' statement.
  • download omnet++ from omnet webpage, make sure the version is for windows and visual c++ 2005
  • make sure YOU have installed visual c++ 2005 before installing omnet++
  • some of the omnet version require Windows rebooting some does not. so make sure you save those running applications.
  • then you can start testing the samples provided by the version.
  • more steps....coming

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